Friday, August 6, 2010

Floral Arrangement

Hi, everyone. How has been your day? As for me, not too good..... but nothing to moan about. I happen to witness an extreme display of power hunger, a 'people stab people' move. It leaves me stunned and amazed. My fervent prayer is 'May God Bless that poor predator '. Well, enough of mushy talk. Let us now be back in focus : Floral Arrangement.

When I was first mesmerized by it and tried my hands at it, I remember my father throwing a quick glance at it and then hurriedly walked away while my mother felt she needed to say something but wasn't sure if her gentlest of words wouldn't do the harm and my brother's half hearted praise. I wouldn't tell you the opinion of my husband. He did not even want to look at it. And thus, that initial interests died off till now, till after endless trips to the floral shop to see how they arrange the flowers. Today I can do it. I know it isn't so perfect but nevertherless the arrangements are still beautiful by my standard. Hee! Hee! Hee! Come let me share with you what I have done.

This arrangement was for a friend's office. It certainly livens up the rather dull interior.

A close up view. I have added two birds and a lady bird. These addition will create a more pleasent effect.

Another close up view. I have added lady birds climbing up. This gives a homely effect. Right?

A white floral display. Spectacular right? I found out that such colour scheme need not be for church alone. Perhaps the photo fails to give its full richness but in reality, the flowing arrangement is really eye-catching.

Among the lushness sits a dove. Beautiful, hmm? I love it. Yes, I believe that one must loves one's work otherwise it is meaningless to even look at it, right?

Well, that's all for today. Ta-da! See you another day.

Hello everyone. Today is the 19th September. If you notice it has been quite sometime since I am involved in floral arrangement but recently I did one which I feel I want to share with you my experience. As you know my endeavour in floral arrangement is all through trial and error so in the recent process of learning, I found that a rich bouquet cannot have too many leaves. The leaves will overpower the beauty of flowers.

See the difference between the two floral arrangement. By cutting short the leaves, the effect was so much more pleasent to the eyes. Don't you thinsk so?

Tips for floral arrangement
  1. Be careful of leaves overpowering your flowers. If they do, don't be afraid to snip them to a shorter length.
  2. Always buy more than what you estimate. Through painful experience, I found myself sitting on hot bricks waiting for the next day to come so that I can make a dash to the shop to get more stalks.
  3. One of the golden rules for using big flowers is to make sure the number is odd.
  4. The vase should be small, should not be the centre of attraction unless you want it to. If your vase is big, you will find yourself buying a lot of flowers and leaves to ensure the arrangement is balanced.

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